
Royal Caribbean faced significant challenges in managing their coop spending efficiently. Their approach lacked the efficiency needed for handling multi-brand and multi-currency campaigns, it was hindered by manual processes for budget allocation, troublesome reconciliations, and a lack of clear visibility. The absence of solid planning and forecasting tools meant they were sailing without a compass.

// Transforming Coop Spend Management

Our Approach

Recognising the need for a correction, we introduced Royal Caribbean to our GoToMarket platform. This solution revolutionised their approach, offering them a new level of transparency into their cooperative marketing investments. Now, they could see with clarity the 'what', 'where', and 'how' of their budget distribution, all in real-time.

The Results

The introduction of our GoToMarket platform marked the dawn of a new era for Royal Caribbean. Reconciliation issues were resolved with the Realtime Wallet & Trial Balance, while our insights significantly reduced advertising costs. An enhanced forecasting process led to more accurate financial accruals and a higher return on investment. Ultimately, this resulted in a greater market share within the travel agent sector, steering Royal Caribbean towards a more profitable destination.

Let’s Work

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