
Opal Digital, a dynamic, digital creative recruitment company, sought to update its brand and online presence. They needed a fresh, modern look that mirrored their commitment to connecting talented individuals to businesses that create remarkable products and experiences. The challenge was to wrap this ethos in their branding and digital platforms, particularly their website.

// Visual Identity, Website and Social Media Content

Our Approach

We embraced the challenge of infusing a modern, digital aesthetic into the brand, starting with a thorough redesign of their visual identity. We extended this fresh look across their social media content, creating a cohesive brand experience. Our efforts also included producing a short video to effectively promote their recruitment services, along with multiple engaging social media assets. The centrepiece of our work was the development of a new website using React. Designed to be cutting-edge, the site features numerous moving elements and animations, bringing a vibrant, almost futuristic feel to the user experience.

The Results

The transformation of Opal Digital’s brand and online presence was significant. The new website, with its modern and animated interface, not only captured the essence of Opal Digital but also set a new standard in the realm of digital recruitment websites. The updated branding and consistent social media presence have elevated Opal Digital’s market position, effectively reflecting their passion for connecting the digital creative community. The successful rebrand and website launch have positioned Opal Digital at the forefront of digital creative recruitment, with a brand and online presence that truly resonate with their audience.

Let’s Work

Ready to take your project to new and exciting places? Fill out the form on this page and we’ll set up a call to talk about it!

or email us on hello@futureshore.co.uk