
Keller Lenkner are one of the UK’s top litigation firms, taking on the likes of Mercedes, Audi, and Uber. The Law firm needed to generate leads for their new sensitive and significant case involving mis-sold military pensions. The objective was to reach out to affected veterans and encourage them to come forward if they were eligible for compensation.

// Military Pensions Campaign

Our Approach

To assist with lead generation for the military mis-sold pensions case, we recruited Ollie Ollerton from SAS Who Dares Wins and produced impactful video content supporting our campaign. The campaign's messaging was designed to both inform and encourage military veterans to explore the possibility of compensation. We launched a comprehensive digital campaign across multiple platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google PPC and display ads, to maximise reach and engagement.

The Results

Over the campaign's four-week period, 618 military veterans successfully made a claim, this number has continued to grow, reflecting the ongoing impact and reach of the campaign. We were extremely pleased to see the campaign's effectiveness in lead generation, the activity also highlighted our ability to handle sensitive topics with the right mix of empathy and assertiveness.

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