
Eddie Bauer approached us needing to carry out a country exit campaign encompassing 53 stores nationwide. The goal was to successfully promote a closing down sale and follow-up with a stock clearance, we were faced with effectively communicating the offer of discounts up to 70% and reaching a broad audience across multiple platforms only popular in that part of the world.

// Digital Marketing / Identity / Content

Our Approach

In response, we developed an extensive multichannel advertising campaign. We strategically chose platforms with a wide reach - including Google, YouTube, LINE, TikTok, Twitter, and Yahoo. Our messaging was designed to generate urgency and excitement around the sales, particularly during the Black Friday/Cyber Monday periods. We carefully managed this campaign over a 12-week period, ensuring constant engagement and interest from potential customers.

The Results

The campaign results were outstanding, achieving 45,457,456 impressions and 1,052,622 clicks across all platforms, resulting in an impressive Click-Through Rate (CTR) of 2.32%. Not only did we succeed in promoting the sale and clearing the stock, but we also managed to maintain brand visibility and engagement throughout the challenging exit period. Our strategic approach ensured Eddie Bauer's exit was conducted smoothly and profitably.

Let’s Work

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or email us on hello@futureshore.co.uk