The ‘8’

BMW approached us to support the launch of their new BMW 8 series, a model that epitomised luxury and innovation for the brand. The challenge was to effectively communicate the sophisticated allure of the 8 series across social media platforms, engaging an audience that values BMW for their design, premium build quality and performance.

// Social Media Launch Campaign

Our Approach

To highlight the luxury and advanced features of the BMW 8 series, we developed a tailored social media campaign that leveraged a mix of photography, motion graphics, digital design, and dynamic typography. Each piece of content was designed to reflect the elegance and cutting-edge technology of the car, ensuring that the campaign resonated with high-end automotive enthusiasts. We strategically rolled out the campaign on BMW’s Facebook and Instagram accounts to maximise reach and engagement.

The Results

The campaign was an immediate success, generating over 18 million impressions in the first week alone. This explosive start boosted awareness of the BMW 8 series and reinforced BMW’s position as a leader in luxury automotive innovation. The visually compelling content effectively captured the essence of the 8 series, driving significant interest and engagement across BMW’s key social media channels. 

Let’s Work

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